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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gubernur Papua: Pusat Tolong Perhatikan Kopi Papua - Lukas Enembe, Kopi Papua

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December 27, 2017 at 03:21PM

📹 KSU Baliem Arabica

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December 27, 2017 at 03:20PM

KSU Baliem Arabica

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Secangkir kopi asli Wamena dari Rosanti

Alfrida Gombo (kanan) bersama saudaranya, di kafe miliknya di Skyline - Jubi/Agus
Jayapura, Jubi - Bangunan kafe itu terlihat sederhana. Hanya ada dua buah meja lesehan dengan lantai beralaskan karpet merah. Dindingnya dihiasi lukisan dan pernak-pernik khas Papua, ditambah beberapa lampu berwarna-warni.
Pemilik Banana Leaf Cafe di Skyline, Kota Jayapura itu seorang perempuan. Rosanti Alfrida Gombo, perempuan kelahiran Wamena ini, mengaku memiliki menu spesial yang bisa menarik pelanggan.
"Di sini jual Baliem Blue Coffee. Ini kopi Arabika asli Wamena," katanya, Jumat (29/9/2017).
Ia mengatakan karena usahanya baru dimulai, jumlah pelanggan kadang tidak menentu. Sehari jika sedang ramai, ada belasan cangkir kopi yang terjual. Per cangkir ia mematok harga Rp10 ribu.
"Kadang ramai, kadang juga sepi pengunjung. Ini usaha masih baru juga," katanya.
Selama ini ia mengaku dibantu kerabatnya untuk melayani pelanggan. Kafe dibuka dari pukul 9 pagi sampai 10 malam.
"Beruntung ada saudara-saudara saya yang ikut membantu," katanya.
Selain itu, di sekitar kafe ada beberapa pedagang yang setiap harinya menjual kelapa muda. Jadi, kata dia, pilihan pelanggan untuk bersenang-senang di tempat itu ada banyak.
"Hanya saja kalau yang merokok, di luar kafe telah kami sediakan tempat juga," tuturnya.
Usaha kafe yang baru berjalan sejak akhir Mei 2017 tersebut, diakuinya dimulai dengan modal Rp10 juta. Ia mendapatkan sokongan dana dari seorang kerabat yang kebetulan adalah Direktur, sebesar Rp5 juta.
Dikatakan, uang tersebut dipakai merehab bangunan dan membeli kebutuhan kafe, seperti kopi dan lain sebagainya.
"Sementara sisa modal lain dari orang tua saya. Itu dipakai untuk mengganti sewa bangunan dari pemilik sebelumnya," kata perempuan berstatus mahasiswi Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan, di Universitas Cenderawasih itu. 
Motivasinya untuk berbisnis kopi, kata dia, karena selama ini OAP dipandang lemah dalam hal berbisnis. Untuk itu ia ingin mencoba sedikit demi sedikit menghapus stigma tersebut.
"Saya juga ingin bantu mewujudkan visi dan misi 'Papua Bangkit untuk Mandiri dan Sejahtera', yang dicanangkan Gubernur Papua Lukas Enembe," terangnya.
Ia mengatakan semangat untuk berbisnis, juga datang dari dukungan teman dan keluarga. Awalnya mereka ragu, akan tetapi setelah melihat kesungguhannya untuk mengelola kafe, dukungan semakin besar ia dapatkan.
"Pada akhirnya mereka semua bangga, melihat saya sebagai anak Papua berani menekuni usaha ini," tutur anak keempat dari lima bersaudara ini.
Diakuinya, niat untuk berbisnis tersebut bukan untuk menjadi pengusaha sukses. Akan tetapi ia hanya ingin membuktikan kalau orang Papua juga bisa.
"Ini bukan untuk mengejar keuntungan. Kalau untung itu sudah bonus. Saya hanya ingin mengajak dan memotivasi teman-teman, kalau kita bisa bersaing di dunia bisnis," kata perempuan yang hobi membaca buku ini, dengan penuh semangat.
Rosanti mengatakan jika nanti ia telah menyelesaikan kuliah, usaha tersebut akan tetap dipertahankannya. Ia berencana usaha kopi tersebut akan dikembangkan hingga ke beberapa wilayah.
"Tidak hanya di Kota Jayapura, kalau bisa di kabupaten dan kota di Papua. Kalau sukses malah bisa dibuka cabang di mana pun di Indonesia," harapnya. (*)

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Entrepreneur Papua – Pusat Inkubasi & Jaringan Wirausaha OAP via @e_papua

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September 13, 2017 at 04:27PM

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dr Oz – Dahsyatnya Manfaat Kopi Hijau (Kandungan Utama Gurin Green Coffee)

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Dr Oz - Dahsyatnya Manfaat Kopi Hijau (Kandungan Utama Gurin Green Coffe...

Here’s why its time to switch to green coffee

Green Coffee

Green Coffee

According to new study, green coffee or un-roasted coffee might actually help with weight loss, boost energy and improve blood circulation.

New Delhi: Can’t start your day without a cup of coffee? But worried about the caffeine and calories intake? Well, let your worries take a back seat, as you enjoy a wonderful cup of green coffee!

Long-standing health debate on drinking coffee is not unknown to anyone.

But, amidst all these, comes in a new study on green coffee, raw and unroasted coffee beans. Some researches show, green coffee may help with weight loss.

In this regard, Greenbrrew, a brand with a new concept to bring a new revolution in coffee industry, has listed the health benefits of green coffee.

Rich antioxidant: Green coffee beans are rich in antioxidant. It reduces the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and takes care of our overall health.

Boost metabolism: This coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which is popularly known as metabolism booster. It increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body to a great extent, which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood.

Burn extra fat: Its beans contain large amount of kelp. Green Coffee beans is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It helps in maintaining the levels of nutrients in our body.

Diabetes treatment: These green beans are also capable of treating Type 2 Diabetes successfully. Their extract is known to lower high levels of sugar in our bloodstream, while accelerating weight loss. Both of these are essential for curing Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.

Minimizes level of bad cholesterol: Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), also known as ‘bad cholesterol’, is the main culprit that makes us vulnerable to deadly cardiovascular disorders including cardiac arrest. The green coffee beans have the capacity to check your cholesterol.

Improve blood circulation: This coffee keep controls your blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to the issues like stroke, heart failure, chronic renal failure, etc.

Boost energy: It is better than the regular coffee, which contains 7-9 percent caffeine. This keeps you active 24×7!


New, healthy way to make ‘green’ coffee

Green Coffee

Green Coffee

Boston: Scientists have developed a new method of roasting green coffee beans that could enhance the health benefits of the brew.

Dan Perlman from Brandeis University in US is developing the flour milled from parbaked coffee beans both as a food ingredient and a nutritional supplement. It is a world of difference from the traditional coffee bean, Perlman said.

Research has shown that drinking coffee is good for health. A recent Harvard study found that people who drank three to five cups a day had a 15 per cent lower chance of prematurely dying than non-drinkers.

Nobody knows for certain what causes coffee to be salutary, but one leading explanation involves a natural chemical compound called chlorogenic acid (CGA). An antioxidant, CGA is thought to be beneficial in modulating sugar metabolism, controlling blood pressure and possibly treating heart disease and cancer.

However, when coffee is roasted the traditional way – typically above 204.4 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 minutes – the CGA content drops dramatically. One study found the decrease ranged from 50 to nearly 100 per cent.

Perlman wondered what would happen if the coffee bean was baked for less time and at a lower temperature. This took some trial and error until he got it right. In the end, he determined that parbaking the beans at 148 degrees Celsius at approximately ten minutes worked best.

The concentration of CGA in the bean, around 10 per cent of the bean’s weight, barely dropped, researchers said. The parbaked coffee bean can not be used to make coffee.

It is not roasted long enough to develop flavour. Instead Perlman cryogenically mills the bean in an ultra-cold and chemically inert liquid nitrogen atmosphere to protect the bean’s beneficial constituents from oxidation. At the end of the process, you get a wheat-coloured flour. Its taste is nutty, pleasant and mild, researchers said.

Perlman sees his coffee flour being blended with regular flours for baking, used in breakfast cereals and snack bars and added to soups, juices and nutritional drinks.

To compensate for the CGA lost during traditional coffee roasting, it would be possible to blend parbaked beans with regularly roasted ones.

There are green coffee bean extract-based nutritional supplements already on the market. They have been touted as a way to lose weight and fight obesity, but there is scant research to support these claims.

The scientific evidence that illustrates CGA’s benefits for other conditions is much stronger. Perlman also says parbaking is far less expensive than the extraction methods used to produce the green coffee bean extract supplements currently on the market.


Coffee cups turn into art pieces with this man

We all love spending some time sitting with out coffee mugs in that ‘favorite’ coffee shop, doing nothing.

Josh Hara loves to sketch on them and his comics are feisty, often with a little pointed humor—exactly what you want with that first cup of black goodness in the morning.

Apparently, around three years back Josh got pretty bored looking at the blank space on his daily cup of Starbucks and decided to do something about it.

Since then, he has amassed well over 300 cup comics that highlight a number of his ideologies and thoughts, albeit in a funny manner.

Josh, who says that he will keep sketching till he runs out of coffee money or someone, takes his pens away gets inspiration from his everyday surroundings and sketches it on paper before sketching it on coffee cups.

Check out a few of his sketches below!



Photo: InstagramPhoto: Instagram




Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram


Stimulus: Coffee drinkers can still get caffeine kick

Coffee, one of the most popular drinks in the world, has been an integral part of human lives for centuries. The “kick” that comes from coffee is due to caffeine, the active ingredient in the coffee bean, and its effect on the human system has been much debated. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant which improves alertness levels and performance in exercise and sports.  Although normal levels of caffeine are not banned in competitive sports, supra high levels are not allowed by regulatory authorities. A cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine depending on the type of coffee bean and the method of preparing (roasting) it.

A new study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology states that those who have coffee every day can still get a caffeine performance buzz when needed. The idea that coaches and athletes make players drink coffee to boost performance before an event is outdated and does not have scientific standing.

 Dr Ravi Sankar Erukulapati, consultant endocrinologist at Apollo Hospitals says that the perceived stimulant and alertness-improving effects of caffeine have been utilised by the pharmaceutical and health care industries by making caffeine an active ingredient in various medications, energy drinks and wellness products. But, he warns, “It is pertinent to state that higher intake of caffeine can result in side-effects such as palpitations, gastrointestinal upset, and dehydration, amongst many other non-specific symptoms.”

Despite such well-acknowledged side-effects, athletes, gym goers and those who want to stay awake while preparing for exams or driving, take high doses of caffeine.

“Tolerance or habituation to the ‘beneficial/intended effects’ of caffeine, such as improved alertness and heightened performance in sports, have been well-described in medical literature,” says Dr Erukulapati. “It is, in fact, a common observation that those who are used to three to four cups of coffee daily may not perceive the potential ‘beneficial/intended effects’ of caffeine when they take an extra cup of coffee, compared to an individual who would normally consume one cup of coffee per day.”

But, strangely, this recent study shows that habituation or tolerance to such effects of caffeine may not be true. This is a novel observation and contrary to conventional wisdom that regular caffeine intake causes tolerance/habituation.

Although this study did reveal certain interesting findings, it cannot be generalised to all age groups, females, and individuals of different fitness levels. Only further studies in this niche area can clear the muddy waters.

Dr S Rakesh, senior endocrinologist, says that it’s a fact that caffeine gives one a boost, but it happens only on the day and time one has taken it. “It is not that the energy builds up and will be of use later. The boost is during the actual stimulation of the day only.”

A cup of coffee before you exercise may not be a bad idea and may boost your physical performance and facilitate the workout, but confine it to a cup and not a bottleful!


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Papua Needs to Tap Arabica Coffee Potential

Baliem Blue Coffee by KSU Baliem Arabica at

Baliem Blue Coffee by KSU Baliem Arabica at

Jayapura, Jubi – Second Deputy Chairman of Papua Legislative Council Fernando AY Tinal said Papua has so much potential in the agricultural sector such as Arabica coffee that has not been optimized by the local government at both regional and provincial levels.

He said, for instance the Arabica coffee plant that is suitable to grow in Papua highland areas gets little attention from the local government; yet it has potencial to be a top commodity.

“I hope the Papua Provincial Government through Plantation Office as well as Cooperation, Trading and Industry Office to support the cultivation of Arabica coffee in Papua,” said Tinal on Monday (21/3/2016).

According to him, the Arabica coffee should become one of top export commodities for Papua; moreover it is listed in the world’s stock exchange, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

In Papua, said Tinal, Multi-Purpose Cooperation (KSU) Baliem Arabica is already established since 2006. The central office is located in Wamena, Jayawijaya pioneering the cultivation of coffee, coffee processing and national standard export with branding of BBCoffee BBCoffee (Baliem Blue Coffee). KSU Baliem Arabica production areas are including five regencies in highland area, namely Jayawijaya, Tolikara, Lani Jaya, Mamberamo Tengah and Yahukimo.

“Since 2009, BBCoffee exported its products to the international market. The end of 2013, it opened new distribution and sales office in Yogyakarta by launching online and offline market and barter of special product,” he said.

Separately, the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of Papua Legislative Council for Economic Affairs, Madai Gombo said Papua has much potential in agricultural sector to be developed and to improve the community economics.

“For instance coffee, red fruit (pandanus sp), cassava and others. It could become the economic resources for community,” said Madai Gombo.

Not only for agricultural sector, he further said, Papua also has potential for husbandry, such as chicken, cow and pig breeding. Local government should use all potencies. (Arjuna Pademme/rom)

West Papua begins to grow coffee

Manokwari, Papua (ANTARA News) – The provincial administration of West Papua is opening 20 hectares of lands for coffee plantation in the regency of Pegunungan Arfak this year.

“We are preparing 35,000 arabica coffee seedlings to be grown in farmers lands in the district of Testega,” head of the regional plantation service Agus Wali said here on Wednesday.

He said in the beginning the seedlings were to be brought in from the Jember Plantation Research Center in East Java, but it is feared that seedlings from Jember would not grow well in the mountainous area of Pegunungan Arfak.

Pegunungan Arfak is 2000 meters above the sea level, therefore, seedlings from Jember would need time for adjustment to the cold climate of that area unlike seedlings from Wamena which has almost the same climate with Pegunungan Arfak, he said.

“Therefore, the plantation service is seeking to procure the seedlings from Wamena, where seedlings are being grown,” he said.(*)